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Community Events in the Mount Barker district

Mount Barker District Council supports local community events, civic events, tourism and major events throughout the district. The provision of a balanced community event support program is the nucleus of this support. The program includes the provision of financial and/or in-kind support to community groups and event organisers that meet the criteria and provide relevant documentation.

Council’s event staff provide support and guidance, conduct safety inspections, arrange training courses, loan event equipment, arrange traffic management, basic marketing and assist where possible in the creation of essential documentation.

The event support program enables our communities to develop the events that are important to them, generate economic and social benefit for our community.

Council generally supports up to 75 events per year, allocates a budget of $154,000, which enables events in the Mount Barker district to return an economic outcome of approximately $7.5million.

Your participation in this questionnaire will guide Mount Barker District Council’s events program into the future.