Harrogate and Brukunga Townships Plan - Progress & Fire Recovery

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Brukunga and Harrogate Township Plan

The Harrogate and Brukunga Townships Plan was developed to coordinate bushfire recovery efforts following the Cudlee Creek fires in 2019 and longer term development of the townships. Almost all of the bushfire recovery and resilience projects have been completed or are nearing completion. Most notably this includes improving access to water for firefighting purposes in Harrogate.

As we continue to assist the community recover and grow, the following provides an update of projects planned with and around Harrogate and Brukunga.

Implementation Plan
(Updated April 2021)
Endorsed Timeframes - Bushfire Response: Immediate, Short: 0-3 years, Medium: 3+, Ongoing: for the life

The Harrogate and Brukunga Townships Plan was developed to coordinate bushfire recovery efforts following the Cudlee Creek fires in 2019 and longer term development of the townships. Almost all of the bushfire recovery and resilience projects have been completed or are nearing completion. Most notably this includes improving access to water for firefighting purposes in Harrogate.

As we continue to assist the community recover and grow, the following provides an update of projects planned with and around Harrogate and Brukunga.

Implementation Plan
(Updated April 2021)
Endorsed Timeframes - Bushfire Response: Immediate, Short: 0-3 years, Medium: 3+, Ongoing: for the life of the plan

Action NumberActionTimeframeStatus
1Continue to support the ongoing recovery and resilience efforts of the communities of Harrogate and Brukunga wherever possible.

Recovery and resilience efforts continue through a number of initiatives and ongoing Council works/services.
2Review roadside vegetation management and determine additional maintenance that may be required. Where necessary implement improved maintenance program in identified issue areas as a priority

Bushfire ResponseCurrent Projects
Review/audit undertaken and immediate works completed. Council will continue to monitor.
3Review supply/access for fire fighting water with the CFS and assist with the implementation of additional dedicated water tanks and improved access for fire fighting purposes at Harrogate and Brukunga.

Bushfire Response

Dedicated fire fighting tank installed. This project was assisted greatly with local community input.
4Council to review the condition of the unsealed section of Harrogate Road south of Harrogate, prepare design and upgrade while considering opportunity for combining such a project with improved pedestrian infrastructure.

Bushfire Response

Current Project
Road works planned to be delivered late 2021 (FY21/22)
5Council to liaise with telecommunication service providers and advocate for improved service provision.

Bushfire Response

Initial preliminary discussions undertaken. Advocacy and discussion will continue to be undertaken when opportunities arise.
6Council to proactively communicate and where necessary educate property owners district wide of best practice fire prevention measures and promote early implementation of individual bushfire survival plans in emergency situations.

Bushfire Response

Initiative completed which included workshops, information booklet and planning tool, online information and one on one landholder meetings. Council working with CFS community engagement on future engagement initiatives.
7Review the condition of existing native vegetation areas and implement sensitive bushcare and/or revegetation planting where appropriate.

Review completed and broader education and information provided to property owners and the general public.
8Weed management of the Bremer River within Harrogate and Dawesly Creek within Brukunga should be undertaken.

Bushfire Response

Internal Council working group formed Creek and Waterways Group to assist with management of these initiatives.
Action NumberActionTimeframeStatus
9Advocate and support the continued protection of heritage places.

Heritage buildings continue to be protected through relevant legislation. Council's Heritage Incentive Scheme ongoing.
10Celebrate indigenous and European heritage and culture of the area through initiatives such as interpretive signage, public art installations and the materials chosen for public realm improvements.

Council staff active in seeking an opportunity to implement action.
11Reinforce existing township boundaries and promote opportunities for improved entry statements for each township.

Council active in seeking an opportunity to implement action.

12Assist the community to action small scale streetscape improvements within the public realm within Harrogate and Brukunga.

Minor streetscape improvements work undertaken within each township including landscaping and street tree planting.
13Advocate for an installation for public art in reference to and in acknowledgement of indigenous Peramangk history in Brukunga.

Short - MediumOngoing
Council staff active in seeking an opportunity to implement action.

Action NumberActionTimeframeStatus
14Continue to support the role and function of community and sporting groups, acknowledging the important role they play to encourage social interaction and inclusion.

Ongoing through a number of initiatives and Council works/services.
15Continue to support local community events which provide an opportunity for the community to come together and which helps to cement the identity of the town and creates a sense of community.

Ongoing through a number of initiatives and Council works/services.
16Encourage improved use of Council’s Hills Community Transport program and advocate for improved public transport services.

Ongoing through a number of initiatives and Council works/services.
17Continue to provide facilities which cater for informal recreation activities to engage younger residents and support community groups which perform this role.

OngoingCurrent Project
Construction of a trail from Harrogate to the Harrogate Cemetery.
Action NumberActionTimeframeStatus
18Council to undertake a condition review of existing roads in Harrogate and Brukunga and implement any required maintenance of identified roads and if necessary road upgrades to improve access and egress to the towns. Priority for the upgrade of the unsealed section of Harrogate Road and consideration of Military Road, Wachtel Road and Laurie Road.

Preliminary review undertaken and Council will continue to monitor and implement subject to budget allocation.
19Council to review existing pedestrian provisions and undertake a needs analysis to consider where improvements are needed and implement where required with priority to improving safe and ease of movement between key destinations.

MediumTo Be Scheduled
To be actioned as per timeframe.

20Implement improved pedestrian focused safety signage on entrances to townships.

Council staff active in seeking an opportunity to implement action.

21Review existing condition of access driveway and culvert over the Bremer River to the Harrogate Reserve and undertake improvement works if and when required.

Some minor improvement works undertaken and Council will continue to monitor.
Action NumberActionTimeframeStatus
22Council to review existing community facilities, open space and trail network in the short term as to inform any identified potential improvements required.

ShortCurrent Projects
Review undertaken with some projects such as the Harrogate Cemetery Trail and Open Space Improvements to the Harrogate Reserve being implemented in 2021.
23Following the review undertake improvements to existing community facilities, open space and trails consistent with identified needs/priorities across the townships and broader district noting that all projects would be subject to future funding allocation.

Council staff active in seeking an opportunity to implement action.
24Improve community useability of James Hammer Memorial Reserve, Brukunga such as consideration of passive play elements, unsealed footpath and landscaping.

MediumTo Be Scheduled
To be actioned as per timeframe
25Improve the appearance of township entrances and approaches.

MediumTo Be Scheduled
To be actioned as per timeframe

26Improve basic wayfinding signage within townships to open space areas and key destinations.

Council staff active in seeking an opportunity to implement action.
27Provide public seating and activation node nearby the Harrogate Memorial Hall and provide improved formalisation of car parking on Council land.

Improved car parking provided on Laurie Road and further opportunities being explored.
28Formalise walking trail loop from Laurie Road to the Harrogate Cemetery.

Short - MediumCurrent Projects
Current project planned to be completed April 2021.
29Investigate potential for formalised access to land west of Smilie Street, Brukunga for improved community use and access purposes.

Council staff active in seeking an opportunity to implement action.
Action NumberActionTimeframeStatus
30Educate and inform local residents on appropriate roadside management practices and native vegetation protection. Investigate suitable mechanism for this to occur.

Action completed but Council will continue to inform.
31Advocate, support and partner with existing groups such as Trees for Life for bushcare or revegetation projects within Harrogate and Brukunga and surrounds.

Short - MediumCompleted
Action completed but Council will continue to inform.

32Undertake sensitive bushcare and revegetation planting on Council land where possible and support volunteers.

Council staff active in seeking an opportunity to implement action.
33Advocate and promote the building of Climate Resilient homes within the district as informed by the Where We Build What We Build project recommendations.

Council staff active in seeking an opportunity to implement action.

Action NumberActionTimeframeStatus
34Undertake a review of existing stormwater management within the townships.

Short - MediumTo Be Scheduled
To be actioned as per timeframe.
35Undertake a review of existing kerb and pedestrian footpaths within the township as to inform potential for infrastructure upgrades in the context of already programmed and future proposed works.

ShortTo Be Scheduled
To be actioned as per timeframe
36Continue working with the CFS to ensure Bushfire Management Plans are up-to-date.

Ongoing through a number of initiatives Council works/services.
37Advocate for an extension of SA Water infrastructure to service Harrogate.

Preliminary investigation undertaken. SA Water infrastructure service upgrade to these townships not currently planned.


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    A new $30K walking and recreation trail is under construction running from Laurie Road in Harrogate to the Harrogate Cemetery. A popular informal walking trail used by many in the community and visitors to the region is now being formalised with funding from the bushfire recovery funding.

    Work has commenced on the construction of the trail which is aimed to be completed by the end of May, the trail, which will include a formed walking track and the insertion of a creek crossing, will improve the recreational facilities for the community in the area.


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    In response to the Harrogate Brukunga Township plans and recovery from the damaged cause by the Cudlee Creek fire council is investing $140K into the Harrogate Recreational Reserve.

    Works have already been undertaken to install a shelter at the site as well as update the public toilet facilities at the site.

    Throughout May and June this work will be complimented with the addition of flooring, a BBQ, seating and power to the shelter. Work will also be undertaken to improve walking tracks seating and signage in the area.



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    Through October 2020 to January 2021 council has completed an unsealed road re-sheeting and maintenance program in the Brukunga and Harrogate areas. Through a combination of Fire Recovery funding and Council’s capital works program council has invested $700k into the roads within these areas, repairing damage caused during the fires and providing safer passage for road users in the district.

    Roads where re-sheeting activities took place included Gladigau, The Glen, Bloomingdale and Harrogate Main roads and patch sheeting on Military road.

    Designated Fire Tracks within the region also underwent maintenance as part of the fire recovery funding with vegetation maintenance (including trimming trees for CFS vehicle access) and road repairs undertaken where required to bring them in line with the CFS fire track standards.


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    On Monday 14 December, the CFS undertook training at the Harrogate Hall to test the new fire tank and commission the site ready for fire season.

    Council staff were joined by the Brukunga Brigade members, Heysen Group Bulk Water Carrier attended by Littlehampton CFS members, and Heysen Group Officer, Nathan Watts for the trial.

    The night started with a walk through to explain how the development of the site had taken place before crews took the opportunity to draw the first run of water from the tanks and refill them.

    CFS crews were impressed with the rate of just 3 minutes 40 seconds to fill trucks meaning a quick turnaround in the event of an emergency.

    The site accommodates up to four CFS trucks to be filled at once from the new tank and an overhead fill point down the hill is available for farm fire units.

    Council wishes to thank the fifteen CFS members who helped trial the site this week.


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    A new 250,000 litre fire water tank is currently being installed behind the Harrogate Soldiers Memorial Hall ready for the fire danger season.

    Plumbing has also been installed to allow CFS trucks to fill up at 2 locations on the hall boundaries as well as facilitating farm fire units at the original fill point down the hill.

    Thanks goes to the Harrogate Soldiers Memorial Hall Committee for their support in securing this community project and playing a vital role in planning and initiation.

    This project has come about as a result of community consultation along with $60,000 from the bushfire recovery funding, a $21,000 donation from the Mindaroo Foundation and earthworks and project management through Council.


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    Since the devastating Cudlee Creek fires, work has been ongoing behind the scenes to progress the recovery efforts in Harrogate and Brukunga.

    Recovery from fires takes time and many of the projects have required careful planning to ensure they provide benefit for the community well into the future.

    Over the next few weeks, rural roadside spraying and slashing will commence in key locations. Re-sheeting of roads in the area is well underway with Galdigau Road already completed and the Glen and Bloomingdale roads being completed over coming months.

    Another project to help local communities rebuild involves the installation of a new 250,000 litre capacity fire water tank at the Harrogate Community Hall. The site is currently being prepared with plumbing installed in readiness for the new tank to arrive mid-November.

    Council is working closely with the local community and CFS to refill and make the tank operational by the end of November.

Page last updated: 18 Oct 2021, 09:12 AM