Council builds on its reputation as a leader in wastewater management
Mount Barker District Council is working hard to improve its environmental performance with respect to the treatment of wastewater. A condition of Council’s wastewater licence with the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is the development of an approved Environmental Improvement Program (EIP).
A draft EIP went out to community consultation in May and the final program was endorsed by Council at its June meeting.
Last month, Council’s EIP was officially approved by the Environment Protection Authority.
Mayor Ann Ferguson says, “Council’s Wastewater Environmental Improvement Program demonstrates leadership in the protection and enhancement of the local environment.”
The overarching requirement of the EIP is for council to minimise the discharge of treated wastewater to Mount Barker Creek and maximise the use of recycled water coming from the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The EIP will result in improvements to the Mount Barker Creek and the Laratinga Wetlands over the longer term and this in turn will benefit those people in the community that live or recreate along the creek.
“As we deal with issues around climate change and population growth, we need to make sure our wastewater management is able to meet these challenges now and for future generations.” Mayor Ferguson added.
The approved Mount Barker Wastewater Environmental Improvement Program can be viewed from Council’s Your Say website
Consultation has concluded