Local Heritage in Transition Development Plan Amendment - Public Consultation

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Consultation has concluded


In May 2019, the former Minister for Planning advised Councils that they could prepare a Local Heritage in Transition Development Plan Amendment to elevate suitable Contributory Items to Local Heritage Places if they comply with the legislated criteria under the Development Act 1993. Guidelines for Councils undertaking a DPA to elevate worthy Contributory Items was provided in the “Heritage in Transition Guide” produced by the SA Planning Commission in August 2019.

In response, Council resolved to proceed with a Local Heritage Development Plan Amendment at its Meeting on 1 July 2019, commissioning a Heritage Survey of the 207 Contributory Items listed in table MtB/7 of the Development Plan.

Proposed Development Plan Amendment:

Pursuant to sections 24 and 25 of the Development Act 1993, has prepared a Development Plan Amendment (DPA) Report to amend its Development Plan.

The DPA seeks to elevate 42 Contributory Items from Council’s list of 207 Contributory Items to become Local Heritage Places. Each place has been assessed against the local heritage criteria (prescribed in section 23 (4) (a) of the Development Act, 1993).

This DPA is not a district wide heritage survey, it only implements the findings of that heritage survey by elevating 42 existing Contributory Items to Local Heritage Places.

What is a Contributory Item?

Contributory Items are buildings or structures that are considered to make a positive contribution to the historic streetscape character of an area. Contributory Items generally form part of a cohesive group of buildings that demonstrate a consistent pattern of particular forms of development, representing a defined period and its built-form character, usually described in Desired Character statements within a Development Plan.

What is a Local Heritage Place?

Local Heritage Places are buildings or structures that are significant to the heritage of the Mount Barker District Council. They provide us with a physical connection to the past and reflect the practices, attitudes, architecture, design and values that have shaped the environment. Local Heritage Place listings will help to ensure ongoing heritage protection for future generations to appreciate.

Information Session

A public information session will be held on Friday 12 March 2021 between 3pm and 6pm at the Mount Barker Town Hall, 34-38 Gawler Street Mount Barker.

Have your say

Council is seeking your feedback. Submissions can be made using the online form below by 5.00pm Thursday 29 April 2021. You can also send us an email to HeritageDPA@mountbarker.sa.gov.au or post your feedback to PO Box 54 Mount Barker SA 5251.

Public Hearing

A public hearing will be held on 10 May 2021 from 5.00pm at the Laratinga Pavilion, 100 Springs Road, Mount Barker. The public hearing will not be held if no submissions are received or if no submission indicate a desire to be heard at the hearing. Copies of all submissions will be available for inspection at the Council office until the conclusion of the public hearing.


In May 2019, the former Minister for Planning advised Councils that they could prepare a Local Heritage in Transition Development Plan Amendment to elevate suitable Contributory Items to Local Heritage Places if they comply with the legislated criteria under the Development Act 1993. Guidelines for Councils undertaking a DPA to elevate worthy Contributory Items was provided in the “Heritage in Transition Guide” produced by the SA Planning Commission in August 2019.

In response, Council resolved to proceed with a Local Heritage Development Plan Amendment at its Meeting on 1 July 2019, commissioning a Heritage Survey of the 207 Contributory Items listed in table MtB/7 of the Development Plan.

Proposed Development Plan Amendment:

Pursuant to sections 24 and 25 of the Development Act 1993, has prepared a Development Plan Amendment (DPA) Report to amend its Development Plan.

The DPA seeks to elevate 42 Contributory Items from Council’s list of 207 Contributory Items to become Local Heritage Places. Each place has been assessed against the local heritage criteria (prescribed in section 23 (4) (a) of the Development Act, 1993).

This DPA is not a district wide heritage survey, it only implements the findings of that heritage survey by elevating 42 existing Contributory Items to Local Heritage Places.

What is a Contributory Item?

Contributory Items are buildings or structures that are considered to make a positive contribution to the historic streetscape character of an area. Contributory Items generally form part of a cohesive group of buildings that demonstrate a consistent pattern of particular forms of development, representing a defined period and its built-form character, usually described in Desired Character statements within a Development Plan.

What is a Local Heritage Place?

Local Heritage Places are buildings or structures that are significant to the heritage of the Mount Barker District Council. They provide us with a physical connection to the past and reflect the practices, attitudes, architecture, design and values that have shaped the environment. Local Heritage Place listings will help to ensure ongoing heritage protection for future generations to appreciate.

Information Session

A public information session will be held on Friday 12 March 2021 between 3pm and 6pm at the Mount Barker Town Hall, 34-38 Gawler Street Mount Barker.

Have your say

Council is seeking your feedback. Submissions can be made using the online form below by 5.00pm Thursday 29 April 2021. You can also send us an email to HeritageDPA@mountbarker.sa.gov.au or post your feedback to PO Box 54 Mount Barker SA 5251.

Public Hearing

A public hearing will be held on 10 May 2021 from 5.00pm at the Laratinga Pavilion, 100 Springs Road, Mount Barker. The public hearing will not be held if no submissions are received or if no submission indicate a desire to be heard at the hearing. Copies of all submissions will be available for inspection at the Council office until the conclusion of the public hearing.