Integrated Transport Plan

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Consultation has concluded

If you have a current need for maintenance relating to transport (eg potholes) please contact our Customer Service Centre to log and allocate your request. Contact Customer Service

The existing Transport Master Plan for the district was adopted in 2009 just prior to the State Government rezoning approximately 1,310 hectares of land that was previously rural zone.

Many actions from the 2009 plan have been completed and support future growth, but an update is now needed and staff have commenced the development of an Integrated Transport Plan (ITP).

The objective of the ITP is to ensure transport infrastructure aligns with growth in the district, enhances the connectivity of our community, encourages active transport, supports the safe and efficient movement of traffic both within the district and between regions, promotes the use of public transport and provides for future technologies in a sustainable way.

Engaging the community and stakeholders in developing the ITP ensures the framework and direction align with transport investment, policy decisions and with the aspirations the community hold for the district of the future.

A draft Lead Strategy has been developed and includes the Introduction, Purpose, Themes, Drivers for changes and sets the tone of the ITP.

Six core themes have been developed to underpin Council’s vision for Transport. These themes will be developed to form the basis of future specific action plans. These themes are:

  • Road Network Management
  • Active Transport
  • Road Safety
  • Parking
  • Public Transport
  • Technology and Innovation
Each theme will be progressed concurrently and will guide the prioritisation of Council’s investment in future transport infrastructure and initiatives, some of which will be led by Council and others that Council will play an advocacy role.

How can I provide my feedback?

You can

  • provide ideas on the Forum questions,
  • register for and join one of 2 community workshops, or
  • drop in and chat with council staff at 2 drop in sessions

We are also happy to receive email or written submissions.

Email with Integrated Transport Plan in the subject

Written - send to

Local Government Centre
Mount Barker Homemaker Centre
6 Dutton Road, Mount Barker

In Person

By appointment only

We invite you to be part of the discussion, dialogue, and debate using the Forum below. Participants can share experiences, ask questions, and have conversations in a safe and interactive environment.

If you have a current need for maintenance relating to transport (eg potholes) please contact our Customer Service Centre to log and allocate your request. Contact Customer Service

The existing Transport Master Plan for the district was adopted in 2009 just prior to the State Government rezoning approximately 1,310 hectares of land that was previously rural zone.

Many actions from the 2009 plan have been completed and support future growth, but an update is now needed and staff have commenced the development of an Integrated Transport Plan (ITP).

The objective of the ITP is to ensure transport infrastructure aligns with growth in the district, enhances the connectivity of our community, encourages active transport, supports the safe and efficient movement of traffic both within the district and between regions, promotes the use of public transport and provides for future technologies in a sustainable way.

Engaging the community and stakeholders in developing the ITP ensures the framework and direction align with transport investment, policy decisions and with the aspirations the community hold for the district of the future.

A draft Lead Strategy has been developed and includes the Introduction, Purpose, Themes, Drivers for changes and sets the tone of the ITP.

Six core themes have been developed to underpin Council’s vision for Transport. These themes will be developed to form the basis of future specific action plans. These themes are:

  • Road Network Management
  • Active Transport
  • Road Safety
  • Parking
  • Public Transport
  • Technology and Innovation
Each theme will be progressed concurrently and will guide the prioritisation of Council’s investment in future transport infrastructure and initiatives, some of which will be led by Council and others that Council will play an advocacy role.

How can I provide my feedback?

You can

  • provide ideas on the Forum questions,
  • register for and join one of 2 community workshops, or
  • drop in and chat with council staff at 2 drop in sessions

We are also happy to receive email or written submissions.

Email with Integrated Transport Plan in the subject

Written - send to

Local Government Centre
Mount Barker Homemaker Centre
6 Dutton Road, Mount Barker

In Person

By appointment only

We invite you to be part of the discussion, dialogue, and debate using the Forum below. Participants can share experiences, ask questions, and have conversations in a safe and interactive environment.

Discussions: All (7) Open (0)
  • Draft Lead Strategy

    over 2 years ago
    Share Draft Lead Strategy on Facebook Share Draft Lead Strategy on Twitter Share Draft Lead Strategy on Linkedin Email Draft Lead Strategy link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Integrated Transport Plan - Lead Strategy sets the foundations for how we plan to manage transport in Mount Barker. It will ‘set the tone’ for future transport initiatives and ensures compatibility with the Community Plan and other Lead Strategies being developed by Council.

    Things to consider may include:

    • Future challenges
    • Drivers for change
    • Benchmarks & best practice
    • Links to State and National strategies 
  • Theme #1 Road Network Management

    over 2 years ago
    Share Theme #1 Road Network Management on Facebook Share Theme #1 Road Network Management on Twitter Share Theme #1 Road Network Management on Linkedin Email Theme #1 Road Network Management link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    This Theme will provide direction for:

    • Understanding future growth and network needs
    • Recognition of Movement and Place principles particularly for main street environments
    • Clear understanding of road hierarchy and network management addressing intra and inter-regional connectivity and freight movements
    • Preservation of open space and amenity with all future transport infrastructure
    • Embedding of environmental and amenity objectives in planning and design
    • Development of gateways for entry into townships and centres
    • Traffic modelling to understanding future growth implications in Mt Barker and the CBD
    • Traffic management within the CBD and enabling of the City Centre revitalisation
  • Theme #2 Active Transport

    over 2 years ago
    Share Theme #2 Active Transport on Facebook Share Theme #2 Active Transport on Twitter Share Theme #2 Active Transport on Linkedin Email Theme #2 Active Transport link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    This Theme will provide direction for: 

    • Walking and cycling are the first choice for short trips.
    • Residents are provided with safe, high quality and connected walking and cycling opportunities for local trips.
    • Create a coherent, attractive and safe cycling network
    • Enable the community to adopt cycling as a viable alternative to the car for a wide variety of trips within the district and our neighbouring councils, through provision of infrastructure, encouragement programs and supporting infrastructure.
    • Creation of pedestrian paths linking core facilities and public transport facilities.
  • Theme #3 Road Safety

    over 2 years ago
    Share Theme #3 Road Safety on Facebook Share Theme #3 Road Safety on Twitter Share Theme #3 Road Safety on Linkedin Email Theme #3 Road Safety link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    This Theme will provide direction for:

    • Embodiment of Safe Systems principles in everything we do in the design and management of the transport network.
    • Identification of road safety initiatives that Council can undertake in support of State and federal strategies – towards zero together / shared responsibilities
    • Managing roadside risks and proactively implement a crash barrier program
    • Identification of high risk ‘blackspots’ throughout the District and prioritization of works in partnership with the State road authority
  • Theme #4 Parking

    over 2 years ago
    Share Theme #4 Parking on Facebook Share Theme #4 Parking on Twitter Share Theme #4 Parking on Linkedin Email Theme #4 Parking link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    This Theme will provide direction for:

    • Development of a Parking Strategy and policy for day to day management of both on and off street parking
    • CBD parking and need for a multi-deck off street car park
    • Verge parking (kerbed and unkerbed)
    • Paid parking provisions
    • Provision of accessible parking
    • Parking for caravans and long vehicles in towns and tourist facilities
    • Reduction of on-street parking requirement in state planning guidelines for future developments
    • Review of Council’s Parking fund
  • Theme #5 Public Transport

    over 2 years ago
    Share Theme #5 Public Transport on Facebook Share Theme #5 Public Transport on Twitter Share Theme #5 Public Transport on Linkedin Email Theme #5 Public Transport link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    This Theme will provide direction for:               

    • Public transport along key corridors is fast, accessible and frequent.
    • Council will work with the State Government to provide our community with a frequent, fast, and reliable public transport network that meets the diverse needs of users throughout the district.
    • Advocate for improved public transport service and coverage
    • Public transport hubs are connected to communities through best practice pedestrian design and a cohesive, attractive bicycle network.
    • Development and delivery of a sustainable community transport system which provides affordable and accessible transport solutions responsive to people’s individual physical, social, health, financial and support circumstances.
    • Ongoing trial of the on-demand public transport services (Keoride)
    • Integration of Taxis, Uber and other private transport operations
    • Community transport (eg community bus services)
  • Theme #6 Technology and Innovation

    over 2 years ago
    Share Theme #6 Technology and Innovation on Facebook Share Theme #6 Technology and Innovation on Twitter Share Theme #6 Technology and Innovation on Linkedin Email Theme #6 Technology and Innovation link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    This Theme will provide direction for:

    • Ensuring Council is best placed to cater for future transport technologies
    • Monitor and act on emerging transport technology
    • Investigate opportunities for Mobility as a Service
    • Provisions for progressive introduction of autonomous motor vehicles
    • Support for the introduction of vehicles with alternative power supply (electric, hydrogen)
    • Provision of options for low or now emissions transport