Draft Strategic Asset Management Plan 2024
Consultation has concluded

The Mount Barker District Council owns and manages a significant amount of assets that contribute to the look and feel of the Mount Barker district - and many of these offer benefits or services to our community.
We have grouped our assets into four classes – buildings, recreation and open space, stormwater and transport.
What is a Strategic Asset Management Plan?
We need to ensure we look after our assets in the most cost-effective way possible, both for current residents and future generations, at service levels which are understood and agreed to by the community. We do this by ensuring we collect quality information about all our assets, such as their age, location, use, material, condition and value.
Our asset management approach collates the information about our assets in a ten-year Strategic Asset Management Plan, which outlines both the financial and technical elements of managing each asset to support the delivery of services to our community.
As well as the Strategic Asset Management Plan, Council has also prepared a Wastewater Service Asset Management Plan. The draft documents are also available to view under the documents section.
Why do we consult with the community?
Strategic Asset Management Plans are part of our Council’s range of strategies which are identified in the SA Local Government Act, and this means they need to be reviewed in regular cycles every four years.
As part of this review, we ask our community to provide feedback on the draft plans by completing the relevant feedback from below.
Consultation is open from:
- 6 March to 27 March 2024 for the Wastewater Service Asset Management Plan
- 6 March to 17 April 2024 for the Strategic Asset Management Plan