Community Development Lead Strategy endorsed
Council officers have conducted public consultation on the draft Community Development Lead Strategy exploring ways to improve community connections over the next 5 years.
The consultation period saw Council staff engage with the community via a number of methods:
- Displays at the Civic Centre, Library and Mount Barker Community Centre.
- 5 Facebook posts with a total of 7,728 people reached and 133 people who engaged with the posts.
- A consultation drop-in session on Thursday 11 February at the Mount Barker Community Library. Four people provided comments which were included as part of the feedback.
- Council’s YourSay project page: 61 people became aware of the project, 45 were informed and 3 people engaged with the project by completing a survey.
- Written submissions: 2 written submissions were provided by community groups.
While there is always a diverse range of opinions on the priorities amongst any community, the feedback gathered showed the following as most important:
- That the Strategy is resourced, implemented and reported on,
- The actions in the themes of People, Place and Participation are most important to be delivered, specifically:
- Accessible communication and consultation by providing remote access to council meetings and increasing the ways that citizens can bring their expertise to inform Council’s decision-making,
- Investing in arts and culture,
- Supporting the activation of community facilities (Council and non-Council owned),
- Provision of varied opportunities for people to participate in their local communities, and
- A review of community funding and grants to better meet community need.
The Strategy has been reviewed in light of community feedback and on 7 June 2021, Council endorsed the strategy for implementation.
Access the Strategy here:
Consultation has concluded